Amiens Cathedral, built in the 13th century by the Templars

Sinclair DNA - AMH Lineage

Click any one of these to follow the AMH lineage's complete path through time
1b 2a 3a

UPDATE - The descendants of Alexander Sinkler now fall into a new SNP called R-L193. Details on the video below. An extensive report is being prepared now. 

AMH is the descriptive term used by James F. Wilson, founder of EthnoAncestry, to characterize the most common haplotype in parts of Europe.(84) Many of our participants are part of the Atlantic Modal Haplotype, the most successful breeders since the last ice age. And, because these folks stayed in Europe, any mutations they had make it very difficult to further refine any differences via DNA. Our DNA is all very similar. Any basic haplotype that differs from the AMH values of 14-12-24-11-13-13 by even a single mutation, on any marker, up or down in value, is still considered part of AMH. The Sinclair project shows DYS390 values of 23, 24, 25, and 26. The 23's and 24's are overwhelmingly outnumbering the others. We currently have ten participants who hit directly on the AMH and, because they show DYS390=24, I call them the AMH Lineage. 

The AMH Group is the Base Lineage

The DYS390 Atlantic group shows very little diversity among it’s alleles and this makes it the "youngest" R1b in  Europe. Some data suggested that it may have  split from the Alpine-South German variant in the region of Albania, and  then subsequently expanded, westwards, along the Mediterranean coast to  Iberia. I don’t quite believe this and my view of the results presented in this report make DYS320=24 the base group from which all the others mutated from. This is simply because it’s the most populous in Europe.

In the Atlantic region, R1b's DYS=390 showed the least diversity. A sample of 1,516 haplotypes showed its R1b's DYS390 percentages to be:

DYS 390=25... 10.4%.
DYS 390=24... 69.7%.
DYS 390=23... 17.8%.
DYS 390=22...   1.1%.

Diversity:        46.1% 

The markers below are the definition of the Atlantic Modal Haplotype. Compare your own markers to see how far away from the AMH you are. Being just 2 markers off is not considered a significant distance, but in my opinion, it depends on the markers. DYS390, for instance, puts you into a different lineage.

AMH characteristic markers

In my opinion, it’s significant that none of our participants who hit directly on the AMH are also S21+.  All are S21-. This means the AMH and S21 are excellent ways to divide up our family. But note that S21 is “downstream” of the AMH - "downstream" means it happened after that mutation that separated the R1 and R1b groups. This AMH and S21 split was after that period.

According to the accepted methods of analysis, our Germanic participant, our DYS390=25 participants, and our S21+ participants all fall within the AMH. A note of caution - this study made its assumptions based on only 7 alleles, as you can see above. Now that we’re testing with 67 and 111-markers, we have to look at all this with a slight bit of skepticism. Things change rapidly in DNA and we have to keep our eye on assumptions based on so few markers.

Steve St. Clair (the Author) and many of our Virginia line are among the members of this lineage. It’s interesting to note that a member claiming good documents back to Brimms, Caithness is among this lineage.

Summary of  Facts -  AMH Lineage, Now called the L193 Lineage
As you've seen at the "Passage Through Time" section, this group was in the "Germanic Soup," the fluid social structure of the Germanic tribes. They were at least in the right place at the right time to become this group.

Given the Name Matching project, they have definite Templar connections in France and also with many Flemish families. Thus, they likely entered England in or just after 1066 with other Flemish or Norman families, then went North when the Flemish fell out of favor with King Henry II in 1154.

The documents are inconclusive before 1666. A second connection is needed and/or a solid DNA match. The McQuiston family connection is certainly odd, but the family clearly connects to the Border's region, then likely back to England. much more to be learned from the R-L193 SNP.

New recruitment in England could impact this group.
Details - S21 negative,  AMH+ (exact),   R-L193+ 

AMH  |  Germany  |  DYS390=25  |  DYS390=23  |  S21-U106  |  Anglo-Saxon Visigoths  
E1b  |  I1  |  R1a  |  CCR5-Delta-32  |  Mutation Rates  |  Lineage Smugness

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